Having an excellent professional vocal technique is not easy; on the one hand, there are voice warm-up exercises and -on the other hand- vocal technique exercises. Therefore, for you to begin to know your voice and to be able to develop all its possibilities – at a professional level – you must exercise your warm-up and vocal technique daily. The goal is for you to have a good voice. These exercises establish the starting point toward developing a perfect voice. The vocal approach is based individually on each person’s characteristics and the unique possibilities of their voice. Among other matters, the vocal technique works by:
- Breathing: Diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing to control air and voice
- Phonation: Sound emission of your real voice in your tessitura
- Resonance: Knowledge and use of your resonators
- Joint: Toning and joint development
- Vocalization: Vocal and maxillary musculature exercises for vocalization
- Voice placement and placement: Voice placement for full sound
Diaphragm Breathing
For good vocal technique, it is essential to master diaphragmatic breathing. Start with these exercises:
Breathe in slowly through your nose and, with the air, push the abdomen’s muscles, inflating it. Use the abdominal cavity; it is a bellows that you will move at will once you master the technique. Then, slowly release the air as if you were blowing gently without wanting to extinguish the flame of a candle. By releasing the air, your stomach will deflate. In deflation, you continue to act consciously since, at your will, you generate abdominal pressure to apply the bellows effect. Pull your stomach in slowly but firmly. Always practice standing up, raising your head moderately, and releasing your arms and without muscle tension. Try to add some intercostal breathing during any of the breaths.
Voice Imposition Technique
By learning to set the voice, you will optimize the air current resulting from expiration so that it is a constant and regular column that converts the action of the vocal cords into sound. A correct vibration of the air column to produce the sound is what we know as voice imposition.
Exercises Heating Voice
The exercises vocal warm help you to put your voice, avoiding forcing cold, which could generate one dysphonia. Additionally, warming up your voice lets you rehearse modulation and test yourself on treble or bass, seeing how good your voice sounds when warmed up. The voice must have a controlled volume with which to achieve quality and precise loudness. When doing voice warming exercises, do not drink very cold or scalding liquids, as they could adversely affect your throat. Warm-up your voice frequently, whenever you need it; you will avoid injuries and learn to use your voice without forcing it. The vocal warm-up consists of a series of corporal, respiratory and vocal exercises to warm up the muscles of the vocal folds, respiratory, articulatory, and resonance muscles before a more intense activity to avoid overload or improper use.
Voice Humming
During the movement, voice humming, we must modulate the consonant “mmmmmmm” by perceiving how the sound resonates through our nostrils, the corners of the lips, and cranial vibration, as signals that the exercise is being carried out correctly. An elongated “m” should be emitted by inflating the cheeks, then parting the bite by lowering the jaw.
The Voice Twang
Voice Twan is a singing technique applicable to voice training for locution or dubbing. Above the vocal cords is the epiglottic funnel, an “arytenoid” cartilaginous area reduced when performing the twang technique. Using this technique, the voice of the voice becomes clearer and increases the loudness and voice volume.
Warming Up the Voice
We tell you some tricks and exercises to warm up your voice and prepare oral presentations, recordings, conferences, or -if you feel like it- sing something. Begin by relaxing the jaw and semi-bringing the teeth together without pressing between them. Accompany the sound with the “rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” using air pushed from the diaphragm. If it helps, imagine the sound a horse makes whinnying. Try modulating tones and notice how the teeth vibrate. Open your mouth as wide as you can, and flatten your tongue until – using a mirror – you can see the bottom of your mouth, the familiar bell. It starts a yawn and releases the air through the mouth and the nose simultaneously, interrupting the flow through the mouth intermittently, raising or lowering the soft palate.
Find out the point of vibration of your vocal cords. Say the “zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz” and place the tips of your index and middle fingers – at the height of the nut to feel this vibration. When it reaches the maximum point of vibration, it emits tones opening and joining the lips. Practice the lip trill with the sound “brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” sound widely and notice the tingle. Now the tongue trill with the “rrrrrrrrrrrrr.” Slowly move your head, left to right and front to back. Do series concentrating on the muscles and tendons that you use in the movements.
Tricks to Have a Careful and Educated Voice
- Projects the voice: Others must listen to you well.
- Don’t run while talking: Talking fast makes others not listen.
- Pronounce well: Pay attention to each word and pronounce them completely.
- Breathe well: Use the diaphragm to breathe correctly. Control the flow of air, expiration, and take advantage of it to have more voice.
- Modulate your voice: Perform modulations with your voice to avoid monotony.
- Smile when you speak: It is proven that voice color is achieved through a smile.
- Hum: Humming allows us to know the range of tones of our voice.
- Read aloud a lot: Reach an appropriate oral level to master the voice.
- He gestures. Rely on gestures to achieve more realism in the voice.
- Exercise your tongue: The exercises with the tongue are essential for correct pronunciation.
- Project your voice: Elevate the soft palate, the veil of the palate, and you will be able to set the voice.
Want to discover the true essence of your voice? Contact the talented vocal coaches at Rakoon Sound Studios. Located in Miami, they’ll help you achieve your vocal dreams at affordable prices!