Why should everyone learn to cook?

As the movie Ratatouille says “ Anybody can cook!”. All you need to do is develop the passion for it and start simple. With time and patience, you are surely going to acquire all the cooking techniques perfectly. Remember that no one has been successful on one go! It takes a lot of failures and efforts to be able to master any skill. As the saying goes: practice makes perfect! Take it as easy as you can. Start by making one dish at a time. You can master one dish first before moving on to another one. Once you find that making one dish is easy, you will feel motivated to cook other dishes. At first, you just need to develop that confidence.

As you learn to master one dish, learn which ingredients bring more flavor to it. Find out what is necessary to bring savor and texture to the dish. Feel free to make mistakes, even if your dish is over seasoned or under cooked. You are the one who is going to learn from them. Don’t be afraid to try a different kind of spices. Who knows? You might end up creating a new recipe. Cooking is an art. Make research before you start a new relationship with your kitchen. Learn how each bite feels in your mouth. Learn about each and every trick which make a steak tender and seasoned then you can try to make some meat which actually tastes good.

Even when you are going out to eat in a restaurant, be curious. Order your favorite dish and ask the waitress about the procedure. Even if she does not know, she will somehow ask the chef. Note down the steps and try to make it at home. It will contribute to your culinary knowledge. Put on some music and enjoy your cooking sessions. Sing along while you grab your apron to make your favorite dish. Listen to the sound that your onions make while you saute them! Enjoy the blend of colors while you are mixing the herbs and spices together. Grab your glass of wine and sip while you cook.

When you feel that you have mastered the culinary art, invite someone over for dinner. Start by eating in the dining room and ending up sharing stories and jokes while sitting comfortably on the kitchen floor. The most important thing is that we all have hidden cooking skills, we just need to explore it!