Financial Truths for Christian Business Owners

Financial Truths for Christian Business Owners

Get ready to succeed in your business finances through the powerful teachings of Biblical scriptures!

Despite the theological debates, prosperity is a very popular theme that is woven into Christ’s message to His nation. And, yet I know many Christians who’ve found themselves broke –unemployed with thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt, tax liens, bad credits, bankruptcy, car payments, lack of savings and no emergency funds; in other words, lost, desperate and hopeless. Until they discovered that the Bible had a lot to say about money.

We are living in a world where people dream big and everyone wants to have a luxurious life, respect, success and most importantly, financial stability. However, many have found a substitute for hard work and a shortcut to success: business. Almost everyone today has an idea for opening a business and many have the necessary funds to invest in one. However, business finances are not only about the money you need to invest in a business, it’s about being able to meet the financial needs and dealings involved in running a business; it’s also about having the necessary funds to survive in a mercilessly competitive world.

You see, your interest or your self-motivation are not the only things that will decide whether you succeed in it or not. Business classes, business strategies, chartered accountants and many other experts will teach you everything you need to know about business finances or about the attitude, commitment, dedication and confidence you need to have as a business owner, but they’ll never be able to teach you how to make the best financial decisions, how to align your finances with values and priorities, and they’ll never be able to save your money from being drowned by the constant challenges faced by the business world. However, trust me, you will be amazed and encouraged by the wisdom found in the Word of God that addresses the important issues of getting out of debt and moving into financial blessings.

Where Will You Get the Funds?

Where Will You Get the Funds?I want to start a business but I don’t have money.”

“I have so many ideas for my business but I don’t have the necessary funds.”

“If I don’t raise enough money, my business can go bankrupt anytime.”

Lack of money can be the root of many problems. And, before you suffer more, let me help you.

Let’s talk about Peter who had the same problem as you. Of course, he didn’t need money to invest in his own business, but he had taxes to pay and he needed cash. Previously, he had a fishing business but he left it to follow Jesus and become His disciple. So, when he was faced with this financial crisis, he turned toward Jesus. And, that’s what Christ told him:

“…Go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours” (Matthew 17: 27).

Whoever reads this Biblical scripture for the first time will think that Jesus is telling us to trust Him whenever we are faced with any kind of crisis. That was my first interpretation also. However, today I can tell you that there is a powerful mystery that lies in this scripture and the one who unlocks it unlocks the doors to his financial blessings.

I’m not going to spoon-feed you but I will give you a hint: God has often used animals and even non-believers to help His children. But, this time why did He ask Peter to catch a fish rather than using someone else or something else to provide the money? What is the reason behind this action? What did God want to tell us?

If you’ve got the answer or something close to it, drop it in the comment section below!